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  • Interest is exactly "Homosexuality"
We speak for all fellow members of LGBT community across the nation.
LGBT United mourns the attack on Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, Florida.
Orlando Memorial Rally
We speak for all fellow members of LGBT community across the nation.
We speak for all fellow members of LGBT community across the nation.
We speak for all fellow members of LGBT community across the nation.
An openly gay Cuban American poet will take part in Friday’s ceremony at
the US. Embassy in Cuba where the American flag will be raised. The
ceremony will mark the official reopening of the US. embassy along
Havana’s oceanfront promenade that…
Do you seriously believe God will judge someone for loving a person of same
sex, but will not judge you for hating someone you have never met?

A Kentucky Clerk who defied a federal judge's order to issue marriage
licenses and turned away four gay…
On the first anniversary of Robin Williams’ death, I want to remember his
most influential LGBT roles throughout his acting career.

The 63-year-old comedian, who had struggled with depression, died by
suicide on August 11 2014.

His widow Susan…
We speak for all fellow members of LGBT community across the nation.
Gender preference does not define you. Your spirit defines you.
We speak for all fellow members of LGBT community across the nation.